Meet your Honorary Ambassadors

When you register for Walk With Me, you won't just receive the typical race number, wristband or t-shirt. You will be partnered with an Easter Seals honorary ambassador, a person with a disability who has benefited from Easter Seals services. You'll get to know your ambassador through photos and personal stories. And on event day, you'll even have the chance to meet your honorary ambassador!

Walk with Joshua


Joshua’s mother knew she had found the right preschool for her Autistic toddler when he was so comfortable on the first day that he was able to sleep during naptime. She loved that Easter Seals focused on her son’s positive attributes, helping him to succeed. Joshua is now 6 and doing well in kindergarten. He still comes back to Easter Seals for speech and occupational therapy through which he’s gained greater independence. Joshua is able to get himself ready for school every morning including taking a bath, dressing himself, brushing his teeth and packing his back pack. Although, he does sneak a toy into his pack occasionally!

Walk with Dan’Quisha


To meet Dan’Quisha is to meet a true believer. Dan’Quisha believes in herself and that all things are possible for her. Cerebral Palsy kept her in a wheel chair for 12 years until the desire to walk became so great, she had to try. Therapists worked with her to strengthen her muscles, and one day in physical therapy at the Children’s Rehabilitation Center, Dan’Quisha took her first step with a walker and didn’t stop for 200 yards. This hard working young lady is also making great strides in the classroom. Through an adaptive device worn on her wrist, she’s gained the ability to type. Dan’Quisha works hard in all of her therapy sessions proving there really is no limit to what she can accomplish.

Walk with Zack


Zack is a young man who has many interests including being a movie buff, an ace at video games and a third-degree black belt in Taekwondo. Zack has been receiving services from Easter Seals for six years through the Adult Services programs. With the help of a job coach, Zack turned his love of movies into a job at a local movie theater. He is now running his own concession stand, including making the refreshments and managing the money. Also through Easter Seals, Zack has learned to live independently in his own apartment. His parents are so proud of his accomplishments and are grateful to Easter Seals for giving Zack the opportunity to achieve his dreams.


Walk with Tyler

 Honorary Ambassador Tyler

Five-year-old Tyler graduated from Easter Seals A Child’s Place Preschool this summer.  His parents credit his teachers and therapists for his excellent progress and look forward to helping him with his transition to Kindergarten. Although Tyler is nonverbal, he’s still learning to communicate with others through a Picture Exchange Communication System.  Tyler is a very happy and clever little boy who loves music, water activities, swinging and playing outdoors. 


Walk with Aidan

Honorary Ambassador Aidan

Aidan began preschool at Easter Seals in August of 2007.  He is diagnosed with cerebral palsy and receives occupational, physical and speech therapy.  Aidan has made significant progress at Easter Seals, including using a walker instead of his wheelchair.  He loves to read books, watch Kung Fu Panda, and play in the sandbox.  He is excited about Kindergarten and looks forward to playing with his peers.


Walk with Austin

Honorary Ambassador AustinAustin was referred to Easter Seals due to developmental delays.  He received surgery to correct retrolental fibroplasias, a condition that affects the retina in premature babies.  After coming to Easter Seals, Austin now uses 1-2 word sentences, can run and play with his peers, and enjoys coloring in class.  He is mastering steps, eating by mouth, and kicking a ball.  This vibrant little guy loves the slide, the swings, music and painting. 


Walk with Elli

Honorary Ambassador ElliElli began going to Easter Seals preschool to continue speech and occupational therapy for Erb's palsy and sensory integration. Since attending Easter Seals, you can no longer tell that her left arm is affected by Erb's Palsy.  Through occupational therapy she also overcame her struggle with sensory development.  Elli loves reading books, playing dress up and going to school.


Walk with Ali

Honorary Ambassador AliAli became involved with Easter Seals by the very high recommendation of friends whose children attended A Child's Place Preschool.  She first started in outpatient therapy but began attending the preschool a year ago. Ali's diagnosis is severe developmental delays. 
Through physical therapy she has learned to walk, kick a ball, and even dance. Ali is starting to imitate sounds, and is learning to sign and knows about 10 words.  She loves to make BIG splashes in the bath tub, swing HIGH, slide FAST, and play chase with her big brother.


Walk with Raul

Honorary Ambassador Raul

Raul has spina bifida and uses a wheelchair.  He will be attending Hall High School as a senior and is very excited to graduate.  He receives speech, occupational, and physical therapy during the week.  Raul also receives nursing care several times throughout the day. Raul is interested in going to Hot Springs Rehabilitation Center for vocational and independent living skills training or to UCA to study computers.